Get a copy of "The Energy Healing Bible" plus choose any one of our officially licensed ART pendulums (Please indicate which pendulum you'd like to receive).
The Energy Healing Bible
examines such concepts as how the subconscious communicates with us, the Law of Attraction, past and parallel lives, ghosts and other spirits, crystal therapy, inner children, Akashic Records, energy fields, guardian angels, planetary interferences and so much more.
With the knowledge amassed in this book, Renu created a healing modality, the Accelerated Release Technique (ART), which she has used to facilitate extraordinary healing for hundreds of individuals over just a few years. Anxiety, depression, pain, hair loss, morning sickness, fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, strained relationships, and difficulty sleeping are just a handful of the problems her clients have overcome through using ART.
Do you seek to understand the energy picture? Do you yearn to heal yourself or others? Then The
Energy Healing Bible
was written for you.
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